AmigaOS3.5 (385/967)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:13 May 2000 at 17:32:45
Subject:Re: max transfer

On 13-May-00, Don Cox wrote:
> Actually, Marc Albrecht disputes this. There are issues with DMA
> slots, I think, on some controllers. However, on SCSI a wrong setting
> just affects read/write speeds (crucial for audio work),

I have no idea who "Marc Albrecht" is, but I can assure you that
I have never found a drive that can't handle: 0xffffff, plus,
I believe the scsi controller itself limits this to a safe value...

I think you may be getting confused with the "Mask" field.
The "mask" value can be quite critical to the DMA of
the controller card, a 24bit value (0xffffff) will work on all
machines that configure their cards in the 24 bit space,
as that is the only memory space we had before the
32 bit systems appeared & the A2000 etc...
have their zorro slots configured to this memory space...

New controllers like P5 Cyberstorms/ Blizzard & other
have their controller up above the 24 bit memory space
& need a mask set that will permit operation in this area.

> it doesn't give corrupt files as on IDE.

Sorry, but it *DOES*, it happened to ME too....

Only on some IDE drives, when the MaxTransfer
is set above (255 blocks X 512 bytes)
and you try & write a file bigger than this value.

Some older drives (rare) drives won't even work with this
& have to be limited to (127 blocks X 512) but I don't
think you will find any of those these days.

So, limit your MaxTransfer on IDE drives to:

255 x 512 = 130560 in hex = 0x1FE00 if you don't
want to have a nasty surprise one day.....

Colin Wenzel. Australia.

ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

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